Rev Victor Kenny Macarthy, Senior Minister, Christ Harvest Int. Church, Turnpike Lane London

Rev Victor Kenny Macarthy, Senior Minister, Christ Harvest Centre, Turnpike Lane London, is gifted to the body of Christ and Nations to passionately (with conviction through the Holy Spirit) minister the Word of God with signs and wonders, having himself been supernaturally called and healed of God.
Over his life to date, God has supernaturally healed Victor of, a collapsed lung, a chronic blood condition and a heart condition. He is indeed a living miracle of God’s goodness and healing power!
Victor was called by God on 31st December 1989 while on a London hospital bed. It took another SEVEN years thereabout and an angelic visitation for him to begin to take his divine call seriously – pursuing his academic and professional career instead.
With prayers, advice and counsel from local pastors and senior ministerial friends, he started preparatory work by joining IBIOL (KT Bible College) where he gained a certificate in Christian ministry. He furthered his quest to learn of God by attending DWDC (The Kings House Bible College) where he gained a Diploma in Christian Ministry.
While attaining biblical knowledge through these colleges, VK continued to serve in leadership of his local church - attended KT and later joined The Sanctuary (a KT Satellite church) in Hackney (now called Good News Assembly). He was appointed the first Associate Pastor of The Sanctuary and served for about five years.
After graduating from IBIOL, He was released from Sanctuary to fulfil God’s call by pioneering and planting Grace Christian Centre - GCC (Covenant of Grace Ministries). He pastored the church for about three years – the church grew to about 40 adults. Once GCC was structurally and spiritually established, VK handed it over in obedience to God. He broke yet new ground, by planting Global Harvest Outreach & Christ Harvest Centre (GHO & CHC) in 2001.
In obedience to God, he submitted the church arm CHC to ELIM Pentecostal Churches for spiritual and apostolic oversight – He remains an ELIM minister till today.
Early 2009, God began to remind him of the 1989 encounter that led to his call and more importantly, the Words Jesus spoke to him and verses of the Bible given to him – Revelation 22: 12 – 14: “Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every man according to his works…”
The Lord has been urgently encouraging VK to “Go and Tell...” in cities and nations of His second coming through sharing his testimonies and divine mandate!
This re-envisioning led to the establishment of “Hearts for Nations” (HFN) project – which is basically a deliberate vehicle of Mission, Outreaches and Prophetic-Evangelistic work of Global Harvest Outreach (GHO).
Having raised leaders over the years and from ministerial experience – it became needful to set up a Network project (The Harvest Army) to mentor new and emerging leaders and coordinate them into an effective end-time obedient and effective Army of God – taking the mandate of God to their families, communities, cities and country. The Harvest Army is not only limited to spiritual works but also – Economics, Social, Education and Politics of the nations – National transformation stemming from individual transformation!
According to the Acts 1 – the message must first go to Jerusalem, then to Judea and then the uttermost part of the world. VK’s heart is first for Britain – to bring the ‘Great’ back to Britain and then to other nations where God has promised open doors and send him. On 23/06/09, God showed VK a vision of the map of British Isle, superimposed with the glass crystal Cross, with a message to visit the key cities that the Cross path touches – from Aberdeen to Portsmouth and Glasgow to Newcastle (30 cities in all).
VK is a prophetic preacher and herald of Gods Word especially in these key areas – Christ second coming, Salvation, Revival, Healing, Leadership, Family and Unity of the body.
His passionate, engaging yet humour laced type of ministry is led by the guidance of the Holy Spirit and has and continues to enjoy and see an “open heaven” during ministrations.
VK works with other Christian bodies and initiatives including, London Global Day of Prayer, City Links, Churches Praying Together (CPT), HOPE, Scripture Union to mention a few.
VK is also a qualified Chartered accountant and worked for the British Government for over 26 years before committing to serving God in communities and cities.
He is married to Bola, a woman with a pastoral heart, a Teacher, both of the Word of God and by profession. They are blessed with two children, Joanna , currently a gifted prophetic worship leader in the local church and Jonathan – a passionate drummer for the Lord!